
NC ABLE Account
With NC ABLE, you can save for qualified disability expenses without losing eligibility for specific assistance programs like SSI and Medicaid. Recent ABLE regulations expanded the list of Authorized Individuals who can open an ABLE account. Additionally, contributions may be made via Ugift®, an easy, free-to-use service that lets friends and family contribute directly to a loved one’s ABLE plan account in lieu of traditional gifts.

Life Plan Trust
Life Plan Trust is a public, non-profit corporation that provides financial management as trustee for individuals with mental illnesses and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Life Plan Trust began as a service program of The Arc of North Carolina, NAMI North Carolina, The Autism Society of North Carolina, and Easter Seals UCP North Carolina. Life Plan Trust grew out of a need expressed by families on how to ensure long-term security for their loved ones while still preserving their benefits. Life Plan Trust provides services throughout the State of North Carolina and has Regional Family Services Coordinators assigned to each beneficiary.

First in Families of NC
The First In Families local Chapters offer support to families and individuals according to their self-defined needs. Examples of support include computers, home furnishings or modifications, childcare or respite, or vehicle repairs. Support can also connect an individual to vocational, social, and educational opportunities in the community; whatever it takes – for people to live and participate fully in their community.

NC 529 Plan
The NC 529 Plan is a tax-advantaged saving and investment program that allows users to prepare for education expenses including college expenses and K-12 tuition. NC 529 Accounts can be used to save for your child, your grandchild, yourself, or any other future student. Contributions to an NC 529 Account and earnings thereon can be used for a myriad of Qualified Education Expenses.